Thursday, September 22, 2011

LIfe Changes

I've been feeling ill for sometime over the changes happening in my life and with my family. A few things are happening, and some I can talk about...some I can't. Such as Lane Michael's biopsy. I'm not ready to face the changes celiac disease will mean for my family. I know that when I'm home I can handle this. I have so many meals I enjoy cooking that don't involve gluten. The things that scare me are things like traveling, what do we feed him while traveling? Holidays with the extended family when my son has to watch the other kids eat Cool Aunt Becca's amazing chocolate chip cookies and tell him he can't have one or even just a slice of bread. What snacks do I send to school? Packed lunches? I called our family doc (pedi) and asked for Ethan to have the blood test for celiac....they called back shortly after and asked where to send the request to...they didn't say no, they didn't tell us there is no reason for it...they agreed that with a small stature, he needed tested. It's getting closer to a reality.

We're putting our house on the market before Halloween. We found a farm we are in love with. It will cost twice what we owe on our current home. That makes me sick to my stomach.

Changes at work. Good, bad...a little of both. A lot of both. A lot of potential for good. I will be sad when they happen though.

And of course...the pending big and scary.

So much to process. so so much

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Celiac Disease

Lane Michael's blood test came back (regarding celiac disease) and once again his markers are higher...we have an appointment on the 26th with GI at 3:15...she wants to look at growth, stomach issues (pain, constipation etc) and discuss his next biopsy and get that set up. The first year we faced this I was a nervous wreck, I didn't know how we'd make this life change, I didn't know what to feed him or how to take him to other people's house's, I cried, and I mourned, I know this disease isn't the end of the world...but it sure felt like it. The second year, I was ready, I thought we'd surely get a diagnosis, I just knew I could take this on, I could make this change and make it good. This would be ok. This year, I don't know how to feel. I don't want this. I've been thinking of all the changes we'll have to make. The foods we'll have to give up. All his favorite foods, like pancakes, donuts, spaghetti, lo mein...Lane Michael could live off lo mein. I'm sad again. I'm not ok with this. What would we feed him on vacations? Who could I trust to care for him in an emergency? Todd is saying that the change is too expensive for everyone to make, that we can get gluten free for him and gluten for us...that's not fair to him. I don't want him to be more different than he already is. I will pray.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

News Coming...big scary news

I will share more when I can...after Thanksgiving.

Until then, Lane Michael had his big blood work yesterday...they tested for Celiac disease, his thyroid and 15 other things...all that is back is normal...Celiac is not back...but it won't be normal. It never is. So we wait to see what kinds of changes we see...praying for no changes and no new diagnosis...this year for the first year he was able to tell his doctor that it hurts his belly every time he eats...and it's hard to poop and his poop is hard little pellet poops. It was good to hear it from him. He's getting so big...we're 5 til 9 years old!