Monday, November 28, 2011

It's a Good Day...

To trust in the Lord God.

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declared the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’” (Jeremiah 29:11).

The Bible says that God's will is “good, pleasing and perfect” (Romans 12:2).

My boss is retiring the end of this year. I applied for his position but did not get it. I'm hurting and embarrassed but I'm trusting that God has great things in store for me...even if his plan is for me to stay exactly where I am, as the Investigator...becoming accredited and confident enough to do the directors postion right takes about 2 years so for 2 years I will be doing the directors position as the Investigator. I'm angry because I'm capable of doing this job and would be great at it but wasn't what they were looking for, but I refuse to "punish" my new director or the veterans of my county because I am angry, hurt, embarrassed. I will heal over time....but a huge raise would help in that process.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

New Family Pictures

It's been over 4 years since Todd and I had picture done was about time we get an updated one.
black and white...I'm not sure I like it as well but I do like it.

Ryan was watching Todd take a picture of Ethan, he climbed up on a rock and put his hands up on it to balance himself. Todd turned around and this ^^^^^^ is the result. I love it.

*swoon* enough said.

This boy....oh be still my heart...could he be any more soulfull!

My goodness Ethan is getting so grown. I wonder if I'll ever see that "little boy" again.

He's such a good big brother! He sat down to wait for us to take a picture and Ryan snuggled right in, this picture was natural and wasn't posed at goodness, how sweet!

These boys couldn't look or act more different but couldn't love each other any more! I am one lucky girl!

This picture wasn't my favorite but is certainly growing on me! I wish I was in the back so we could see Ethan more and I wish Ryan was looking at the camera!

This may be my favorite of the day..tied with the next one...both are good pictures and I'm having a hard time deciding!

There's just something about us all being piled up one on top of the other that I like about this picture! It just makes me happy!

Monday, November 14, 2011


Let me just say that I have the best family in the whole wide world!

This weekend we celebrated my niece getting her GED. We're all so proud of her and can't wait to see what the world has in store for this beautiful, smart, amazing young woman who can accomplish anything if she puts her mind to it.

The party was at my house so Friday I spent the day cleaning...all day long I cleaned, dusted, mopped, swept, laundry, scrubbed...notice I didn't cook? Yah, I didn't cook. Lisa did the meat, Mom did the mac and cheese and veggies, Becca did the brownies, and I made a buffalo chicken dip. What's that you say? What did Lane Michael eat? EVERYTHING! Everything on the menu was gluten free!

We had sloppy joes (naturally these are gluten free), mac and cheese (with gluten free noodles), brownies (a gluten free mix) and the chips and dip (also naturally gluten free). The only gluten free dish served was a cake for Jade that Todd made...but it's ok, we had GF brownies for him and he was pleased!

Last night after dinner with my Mom, Lane Michael sat on the couch, smiled and sighed "I am loved" yes little boy you certainly are!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

There was no time to process.

I had grocery shopping to do.

Todd and I took the kids out for chinese (one of 2 places we know how to feed him). They brought out a large bowl of rice noodles (no extra charge) and Todd taught him how to eat gluten free at the buffet. Then we went straight to Krogers where we bought a week or 2 worth of groceries...for $300 which doesn't count the $150 we spent on Sunday at Aldis and Walmart. We're still figuring it all out but I know we'll get there...eventually.

So night one we ate at Chinese

Night 2 we had chicken nuggets and artichokes (we made the chicken nuggets by dipping them in egg and then in corn meal (just a light dusting) and then frying them up

Night 3 we had steak and potatoes (ice cream for dessert)

Night 4 we had hot dogs (all beef), apples, and carrots

Night 5 we had a buffet at church and Lane Michael concentrated on the meatballs, veggies and strawberry shortcake (gluten free - thank you very much Bisquick GF)

Night 6 we had pork steak, sweet potatoes and green beans

we've been packing his lunch and he seems content with that, he takes GF chicken nuggets, carrot and celery sticks with dip, a cheese stick, go gurt, and Cheetos (which happen to be GF). Last night I asked him what he liked about his lunches and he looked at me (obviously perplexed) and said he liked everything. Big sigh of relief! He's happy with the changes! He's ok with all of this. Probably more ok than I am! I have such good boys, I'm so blessed and I know that. As frustrated as I am, they make this easy, they make it worth it.

Todd and I have been checking prices of different products and decided that the work of grinding our own rice flour was worth NOT paying for it. So after some research we have made a large container of rice flour...this weekend I'm thinking I'll make and dry some pasta and maybe play with the bread machine...making our own flour was so time consuming and a little labor intensive...I have a new respect for those who don't/didn't have modern flour!

We started out by washing the flour, soaking it for 2 hours and drying it on clean sheets of newspaper until it no longer clumped together, then we throw a small amount in the blender, sift out the fine, then sift that down to the very fine, and throw the rest back in the blender and repeat that process until all the flour is through the second (very fine) sifter. It takes about 2 hours but is worth it. I never thought I'd find myself here. Once upon a time, homemade meant I didn't buy them at Bob Evans...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Doctor Just Called

Lane Michael starts the gluten free diet immediately. I wasn't ready...I wasn't close to ready. I'm still processing what this means for him. What this means for my family. How to incorporate these changes into my family. I want to go home and talk to Lane Michael. Plan some meals with him. I've known for too long that this was coming to be too upset but now that it's here it feels unrealistic. I can do anything but that doesn't mean that I want to.