Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Brings Out the Best & the Worst

On Christmas Eve we moved into my Mom's house for the night...and so did my sister. It wasn't her year with her boys, so she only had her baby girl (10 mos) and it being her first Christmas, it was very exciting! We had a great time, I got to tell her about Baby AC due in August, we got to talk, catch up but more than anything, we got to go back to us. It was like old times for us, we laughed too loud and long over things that weren't nearly as funny as we thought they were! We celebrated together and I still got to carry out all of our traditions with our boys, we baked Christmas cookies, took a bath, opened Christmas Eve Jammies and then Todd read Twas the Night Before Christmas. It was perfect, we snuggled the kids into bed and went to work...Todd was nearly useless and watched movies, while I wrapped gifts and finished Christmas cookies. It was lots of fun! Christmas was good this year, I got more than I needed! We visited Dad and Braden in the cemetary, it was good to be down there again...I hadn't been down there since fall. After that we went to Grandma Sweets for the evening, again a great time had by all! So I'm sure you're wondering where the "worst" comes into's coming, I promise. Well Friday night we celebrated with my other sister. It was agony. Mom was sick, the little guys played, and my sister sat in the recliner playing on the laptop. When I mentioned that I'm pregnant again, no one even looked at me. Two of my neices sat in one recliner only speaking to each other, leaving the third to say nothing all evening. It was torture. I made supper and stayed in the kitchen because even if I did say anything, no one listened or spoke back....I knew things weren't great between us but I didn't know it was all that...I know that she is going through a hard time and all but it was more torture than I'm up for! I'm glad it's over but I wish the worst had come before the best!!