Friday, September 5, 2008


Ok, I'm not a "things" kind of girl. I'm simple and easy to please (my husband refuses to put our bed on a frame and I haven't killed him- proving that I don't insist on having all the "things") I live in a beautiful home with three bedrooms, a finished basement, formal dining room and a nice sized kitchen, nice sun porch off the back, but we didn't live in such a nice home two years ago. Two years ago we were living in an old farm house with orange shag carpet, and hand me down furniture. We didn't go into debt furnishing our home, we used hand-me-downs or just paid cash. But the one thing I've wanted, really coveted since we got married was new dishes. I seldom ask my DH for anything...he's our "things" person. He has a four-wheeler, a new Blazer, and every tool known to man (with the exception of a cutting torch and welder - -maybe Christmas), but me, I pick up a new purse and think of all the better ways I could spend $95. So, when L0ngaberger made a HUGE faux pas in their catalog, I jumped at the chance to get my new dishes...which happen to match my kitchen...I will get two sets (serving for 8) for less than half the price. I sold over $350 and therefore got a serving set of 4 for free and because I had a party I got a half price item, so I got a second set of dishes for half the $190 making my total purchase $95.00 for these beautiful pottery dishes (dinner plate, soup/salad bowl and coffee mug for 8 people)...if you want to see my new dishes follow this link
they are the classic blue may have to play with the website a little to find it...but they're worth it to me. Some people will say that with small kids in the house, I should wait until they're older...why? I plan on feeding my kids meals on the old C0rel that I've had for years, the green know, the pattern your grandmother had while raising her kids! I love these, they're dependable...they're like the jeans that fit my body perfectly and the Longaberger are the new jeans I didn't try on but are still ok...I'm so excited to finally own my dishes...they aren't here yet...nor are they paid for...but soon, very soon! I have a mixing bowl and the butter dish too...I also happen to know my mom got me a couple of peices for Christmas! Yippee!! It doesn't get any better than getting what you want after 5 years of waiting for it!


Sarah said...

The dishes are so pretty!! I'm shooting for some new pots and pans. lol Boy are we old!!