Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Doctor or Midwife

When I was talking to my cousin (a.k.a. baby guru) I told her the things I'd like to see in a birth plan...she said that it sounds like I want a midwife. And in a sense, she's right...I want someone who won't yell at me and someone who will let everything happen very naturally, but I also want someone who will have drugs ready for me when I wuss out...originally I didn't want to go past 38 weeks because if Braden had come at 38 weeks, he would have lived...but now I don't want to take that kind of chance of delivering before the baby is I don't want to be induced, and I want someone who's kind of hands-off...but again, I want someone with medical school behind them and drugs if I need/want them...I don't want to be cut...I've torn for all three births and would prefer to niece had her first 10 weeks before I had my first and I was up moving and running before she was...of course I was also in the Army and at the top of my game when I got pregnant, so I know that would help my recovery...but 10 weeks!! WOW! But either way Midwife or OB I'm not going to get EVERYTHING I want in a baby catcher so I guess I'll just have to compare and pick...


Sarah said...

Dr Gaynier isn't a midwife, but she is awesome!! I would totally recommend her!!

Amber said...

If, as a stranger, I could beg, and I mean BEG, you to watch The Business of Being Born...I think this will make your decesion a LOT easier. A lot of times we feel like "medical school" prepares a clinician more, but a lot of OBGYN's don't even see a live birth when they graduate...because they are trained surgeons. I heard a quote once..."Having an OBGYN at a nautral childbirth (with no emergencies) is like having a Peditrician babysit your healthy child." All that to say, if your gut says go with a midwife, they are FULLY qualified and take it from me, they are WONDERFUL!!! :)