Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Creation Museum

This weekend I was NOT kidnapped after all! Instead we spent Friday night with my mom, then instead of going camping, we just stayed home, Saturday morning Todd got us all up for breakfast at the IHOP, followed by a quick trip to the mall (Ethan seriously had three pairs of jeans so we had to buy a few more), after that Todd took Ethan camping in a friends woods while Lane and I went to a friends 13th birthday party, it was fun but reminded me all the reasons I would never do 13 again! It was torture watching the birthday girl make eyes at the boy that she likes and he likes her but they're friends and it would be akward and Daddy doesn't allow dating (neither would I, just for the record) and the friends all saw what was going on, so it made it even more akward...thank God I'm thru all of that. Then afterwards we went and played cards at the H-ers...Todd drove over on his ATV to join us (we needed a fourth)...the next morning Lane and I went to the way, life is EASY with one child! WOW! Then when Todd got home from camping, he took us all to the Creation Museum. There was the most beautiful botanicals garden there, so we took pictures of the boys on the bridges and next to the waterfalls...or brooks, whatever they're called....I'll share the pics on Thursday when they get delivered! Overall it was a good weekend, then on Monday my office was closed for Columbus Day, so the boys went off to school while my Mom and I started painting her new bedroom! Good times all around!